Quotes from St Justin Popovich's The God-Man: The Foundation of the Truth of Orthodoxy
- "…all the truths of Orthodoxy are nothing other than different aspects of the one Truth-the God-man Christ."
- "…He is the incarnate, humanized, and personified eternal Truth…"
- "He brought down all the divine perfections from heaven to earth. And He did not just bring them down, but also taught them to us and gave us grace-filled power to have them transform our lives, our thoughts, our feelings, our deeds. Hence, our calling is to incarnate them in ourselves and in the world around us."
- "Only in Him, in the all-merciful Lord Jesus, does man, tormented by earthly tragedies, find the God Who can truly give meaning to suffering, the Comforter Who can truly give comfort in every misfortune and sorrow…"
- "The God-man is each and every aspect of Orthodoxy, for He infinitely magnifies man. He elevated him to God; He makes him a god by grace. And He did this without reckoning man less than God, but filled man with all divine perfections. The God-man has glorified man as no other has."
- "In its very essence, Orthodoxy is nothing other than the Personality of the God-man Christ extended across all ages, extended as the Church."
- "To be Orthodox means to have the God-man constantly in your soul, to live in Him, think in Him, feel in Him, act in Him. In other words, to be Orthodox means to be a Christ-bearer and a Spirit-bearer."
- "Only through the God-man Christ can man conquer death, sin and the devil."
- "Orthodoxy is Orthodoxy through the God-man. And we Orthodox, by confessing the God-man, indirectly confess the Christ-image of man, the divine origin of man, the divine exaltation of man, and thus also the divine value and sacredness of the human personality."
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